bdd2coco - tool to convert bdd dataset to coco format

3 minute read

bdd2coco - tool to convert bdd dataset to coco format

This tool will allow you to convert Berkeley Deep Drive dataset to COCO format.
There is a full version of this notebook in the GitHub repo. You can also create a mini version of bdd dataset.

I store the dataset on my Google Drive, so, first, I mount google drive in my colab environment and unzip archives with bdd data.

from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/drive
!unzip /content/drive/My\ Drive/BDD/
!unzip /content/drive/My\ Drive/BDD/

Convert bdd format to coco format

This function will take from_file json bdd format labels file and will create and save a new json coco format file to save_to/labels folder. You may also specify path_to_images value, but if not set, from_file/images/100k will be taken as default. Set copy_images to True if you want to copy images from bdd (make sense if you want to create a mini-version of the dataset). Set make_zip to True if you want to make a zip archive of your dataset. remove_folder will delete save_to before working with it. Make dataset_type equal to 0 if working with train dataset, 1 - validation dataset.

def bdd2coco(from_file, save_to, size=10, path_to_images=None, copy_images=True, labels_filename="labels", make_zip=False, remove_folder=True, dataset_type=0):
  copy_images: copy images from bdd dataset
  labels_filename: output json filename
  make_zip: create a zip archive containing images/labels
  remove_folder: clean save_to folder before saving images/labels to it
  dataset_type: 0 - train, 1 - val
  annotations, categories, images = [], [], []
  ann_list, cat_list, img_list = [], [], []

  # Create temporary dict
  img_temp = {}
  cat_temp = {}

  cat_id = 0
  for idx, annotation in enumerate(json.load(open(from_file))):
    if idx >= size:
    if annotation['name'] not in img_temp:
      img_temp[annotation['name']] = annotation['name'].split('.')[0]
      images.append({'file_name' : annotation['name'], 'id' : annotation['name'].split('.')[0]})
    if annotation['labels'] is not None:
      for label in annotation['labels']:
        box2d = label['box2d']
        bbox = [box2d['x1'], box2d['y1'], box2d['x2'] - box2d['x1'], box2d['y2'] - box2d['y1']]

        if label['category'] not in cat_temp:
          cat_temp[label['category']] = cat_id
          categories.append({'id' : cat_id, 'name' : label['category']})
          cat_id += 1
        box_annotation = {}
        box_annotation['bbox'] = bbox
        box_annotation['category_id'] = cat_temp[label['category']]
        box_annotation['image_id'] = img_temp[annotation['name']]

  coco = {'annotations' : annotations, 'images' : images, 'categories' : categories}

  if remove_folder and Path(save_to).exists() and Path(save_to).is_dir():

  Path(save_to).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
  Path(save_to + '/labels').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

  with open(save_to + '/labels/' + labels_filename + '.json', 'w+') as outfile:
    json.dump(coco, outfile)

  data = json.load(open(save_to + '/labels/' + labels_filename + '.json'))

  if copy_images:
    Path(save_to + '/images').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    if dataset_type == 0:
      Path(save_to + '/images/train').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    elif dataset_type == 1:
      Path(save_to + '/images/val').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    if path_to_images is None:
      path_to_images = Path(Path(from_file).parent.parent.parent/'images/100k')
    for d in data['images']:
      if dataset_type == 0:
        shutil.copy(path_to_images/'train'/d['file_name'], save_to + '/images/train')
      elif dataset_type == 1:
        shutil.copy(path_to_images/'val'/d['file_name'], save_to + '/images/val')

  archive_name = save_to.split('/')[-1]
  if make_zip:
    os.system("zip -r " + archive_name + ".zip "  + save_to)

Test run:

start = time.time()
bdd2coco('/content/bdd100k/labels/detection20/det_v2_train_release.json', '/content/temp', labels_filename="labels_train", dataset_type=0, remove_folder=True)
bdd2coco('/content/bdd100k/labels/detection20/det_v2_val_release.json', '/content/temp', labels_filename="labels_val", dataset_type=1, remove_folder=False)
finish = time.time()
print("bdd2coco finished in: ", finish - start)
bdd2coco finished in:  18.659612894058228

Read images and labels from newly created file and show an example.

images, lbl_bbox = get_annotations('/content/temp/labels/labels_train.json')
img2bbox = dict(zip(images, lbl_bbox))
pic = images[0]
([[1125.902264, 133.184488, 1156.978645, 210.875445],
  [1156.978645, 136.637417, 1191.50796, 210.875443],
  [1105.66915985699, 211.122087, 1170.79037, 233.566141],
  [0, 0.246631, 100.381647, 122.825696],
  [49.44476737704903, 254.530367, 357.805838, 487.906215],
  [507.82755, 221.727518, 908.367588, 441.0052451528153],
  [0.156955, 0.809282, 102.417429, 133.411856]],
 ['traffic light',
  'traffic light',
  'traffic sign',
  'traffic sign',
  'traffic sign'])

Helper functions to show images

def color_list():
    # Return first 10 plt colors as (r,g,b)
    def hex2rgb(h):
        return tuple(int(h[1 + i:1 + i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))

    return [hex2rgb(h) for h in plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']]

def show_detections(img, boxes=None, categories=None, category_ids=None):
  colors = color_list()
  draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
  font_size_pil = 16
  font_pil = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf/DejaVuSans.ttf", size=font_size_pil)

  for idx, box in enumerate(boxes):
    draw.rectangle([box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]], width=4, outline=colors[int(category_ids[idx]) % 10])  # box
    text_size = draw.textsize(categories[idx], font_pil)

    draw.rectangle([box[0], box[1] - text_size[1], box[0] + text_size[0], box[1]], fill=colors[int(category_ids[idx]) % 10])  # box for text
    draw.text([box[0], box[1] - text_size[1]], categories[idx], color=(255, 255, 255), font=font_pil) # text


Create a mini dataset

Let`s create a mini dataset with only 128 images

bdd2coco('/content/bdd100k/labels/detection20/det_v2_train_release.json', '/content/bdd_mini', labels_filename="labels", size=128)
images, lbl_bbox = get_annotations('/content/bdd_mini/labels/labels.json')
img2bbox = dict(zip(images, lbl_bbox))

Check how many images were saved

!find /content/bdd_mini/images -type f | wc -l

Map categories names to ids

with open('/content/bdd_mini/labels/labels.json') as json_file:
  categories = {x['name'] : idx for idx, x in enumerate(json.load(json_file)['categories'])}
def show_images(img2bbox, images, path='/content/bdd100k/images/100k/train/', count=1):
  for i in range(count):
    img = + images[i])
    bboxes = torch.tensor(img2bbox[images[i]][0]).int()
    cats = img2bbox[images[i]][1]
    show_detections(img, bboxes, cats, [categories[name] for name in cats])

Show images with bounding boxes and corresponding labels

show_images(img2bbox, images, path='/content/bdd_mini/images/train/', count=1)


